If you need help, we can offer:

We have 21 beds available seven nights a week throughout the year. All guests are provided a warm, safe place to sleep on a first-come, first-served basis.
For info, please contact:
Lamoille Community House: 802-521-7943
Kim Anetsberger, Executive Director: kanetsberger@lamoilleshelter.org
In case of emergency, please call 211 or visit https://www.vermont211.org for immediate help.
Please note, we are an adult only shelter. Families and youth under the age of 18 should contact the Vermont Department of Children and Families at 1-800-479-6151.

All guests are provided with warm, nourishing meals and have access to a kitchen at the shelter. Dinner is served at 6:30 PM each evening.

Our staff is here to help! LCH provides housing navigation services to guests in shelter. In addition, we work closely with community partners to connect guests with the services they need to be successful in their journey toward stable housing including:
- Clarina Howard Nichols Center – Shelter and support for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
- Lamoille Community House – Recuperative Care Program
- Lamoille County Mental Health – Comprehensive community mental health services.
- Lamoille Family Center – Shelter and support for children, families, and youth.
- Lamoille Housing Partnership – Affordable housing in Lamoille County.
- Jenna’s Promise – Support for individuals with substance abuse disorders.
- Capstone Community Action – Critical services that empower individuals to move beyond poverty.
- North Central Vermont Recovery Center – A variety of recovery services and a safe substance free environment for individuals and families on the path to recovery.
- United Way Lamoille – Community resources.