We Can Do Better

We Can Do Better

Dear Neighbor, Frantically packing all of your belongings into boxes. Making quick decisions about what to leave behind. Moving for the third time in a year. Saying goodbye to friends you just made. Never truly feeling at home. Struggling to stay stable.  As a...

Season 21/22 Shelter Wishlist

Looking for a way to contribute this winter? Below is a list of items that the shelter is currently in need of. To donate items off of this list, please call the shelter at 802-521-7943 to arrange a time to drop off the items, or email giving@lamoilleshelter.org...
Shelter Needed 365 Days a Year

Shelter Needed 365 Days a Year

I recently facilitated training sessions for my shelter staff on trauma-informed care and the housing first model. One of the exercises in the training presented a grid with a description of a different type of person in each box. The examples given were a single mom,...
Shelter is Essential Service

Shelter is Essential Service

by Rabbi David Fainsilber and Father Rick Swanson Photo credit: Jessica Ojala It was the day after Christmas in 2017 with temperatures hovering at 12 degrees at 12 noon with a stiff north wind. VPR personality Mark Breen in his Eye on the Sky Forecast was predicting...
Lamoille Community House 365 Campaign

Lamoille Community House 365 Campaign

updated Sept 2023 Lamoille Community House (LCH) launched its 365 Fundraising Campaign in recognition of the fact that people in Lamoille County without a permanent home need shelter, a bed, a meal, a shower, and a place to feel welcomed and supported, 365 days a...